Nominations Are In - Now Vote!


The many Teacher Appreciation nominations are in and have been tallied and narrowed down.
Now vote your favorite teacher below for him or her to…

Win A Teacher Wish List Giveaway!

(If you would like to review the details of this event, read HERE)


Finalists of the Teacher Appreciation
event are listed below.
–Read, then scroll to vote!

  • School: York High School
    Grade: 9-12

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Becky works with ESL students who very often are here by themselves (unaccompanied minors) She not only educates them, but goes above and beyond providing support and connections to resources so they can not only survive but thrive as well. She has 5 children herself, is working on a PhD, and works full time. Yet she makes sure she has time for her students. She is an inspiration.

  • School: St John Vianney
    Grade: 2nd

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Miss Carla has been a part of my daughter’s school family since she was in Pre-K (now entering 4th grade). As a mom, I see how she goes above and beyond to inspire and take care of all the children as if they were her own. She helps them grow in intellect, virtue and faith. Miss Carla is a not only a 2nd grade teacher; she’s also our cheerleading and pom poms coach. She’s truly dedicated to our St. John Vianney school family.

  • School: The Academy at St Joan of Arc
    Grade: 5

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: I am nominating myself for the teacher giveaway because I have dedicated the past 6 years to The Academy (ASJA) and have been changed for the better by these children. After reopening post-COVID, we were one of the only schools that was in-person. We had an influx of students trying to enroll & every class was filled to the brim. Being exposed to COVID was not a choice, so I had to avoid friends and family to avoid spreading any germs. Post-COVID, I began the process of establishing ASJA’s athletic program. Since fall 2021, I re-established the basketball, volleyball, football, running programs and a golf team. Safe to say—it got really busy!! With that being said, I am nominating myself because I am not only dedicated to the school but I also am dedicated to my students. In my classroom, I teach the value of learning & being inquisitive while also fostering relationships that will last a life time. I take as much time as needed to make accommodations for students and differentiate activities so every single student is set up to succeed. My classroom is a room where we learn school subjects, but we also learn how to be a good person. Cultivating a community of kindness & empathy is, I would argue, just as important as math, reading, etc. My students are my life and I spend more time with them than anyone else and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Spending long nights in the gym hosting games or giving up a free period to work with a student are things I wouldn’t trade for the world. I would be so honored to be awarded this giveaway so I can pamper myself (and my mom!) before the school year begins & chaos ensues!

  • School: Manning School
    Grade: ESL Teacher 2nd-5th grade

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: I would love to provide my students a variety of resources that will helped them learn their 2nd language (English). This students are newcomers, students that just arrived to the country. These students need hands on activities and games to help them develope their second language. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Elizabeth Garcia

  • School: ICGS
    Grade: 3rd

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Mrs. Cavanaugh has a unique combination of nurturing children and extracting excellence from her students, all while keeping her keen sense of humor. She is a blessing to hundreds and hundreds of students (and parents) in her long tenure at ICGS.

  • School: Bryan Middle School
    Grade: 6-8

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Mrs. Fisher is an amazing teacher, supporting all of her students grades 6-8 in the special ed program at Bryan middle school. She is patient, caring, devoted and an all around amazing role model for her kids. She genuinely loves her job and students and is making such a difference in the lives of so many!

  • School: Westdale Elementary School
    Grade: 2nd

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: I am nominating myself. I am a long time resident of Elmhurst, IL. This will be my third year as a teacher. I am switching grade levels from first to second grade and classrooms this year. I teach at a title one school where most of my students are not able to buy their own supplies when needed so a lot of the items on my list are supplies that I need for all my students to use when they aren’t able to replace their own. With switching to a new classroom this year, I also will be spending more out of pocket to purchase a new classroom theme and bulletin board paper and borders. I love being a teacher, this has been the best decision that I made in switching career paths so I can help my students reach their aha moments and become life long learners!

    Kelly works at a Title 1 school and supplies a lot of the school supplies for her students to ensure they have what they need to provide the best education possible!

    Kelly is in her 3rd year of teaching. The school is a Title 1 school, so Kelly provides most of the supplies out of her own pocket that kids need but can’t afford. She does a great job making an Amazon wish list every year that friends and family can help out if they can with, but, outside support would be a game changer for her and her kids learning needs.

  • School: Visitation
    Grade: 5th

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: I would love to win this school supply money because at Catholic school we do not have a budget for supplies and I pay for all posters, materials, and online subscriptions myself.

  • School: Immaculate Conception
    Grade: 1st

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Miss Lyons has a heart of gold and knows just how to teach a student how to read, learn, be kind, and be brave. She embodies empowerment and her students exude confidence in her classroom which suits her students well as they continue to grow and evolve.

  • School: Unknown for fall
    Grade: Unknown for fall

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: I always give so much each year to new teachers. I look through books and supplies and try to help support teachers new to the field. I have spent my career supporting multilingual students who are newcomers new to the country. The students have zero English proficiency when I meet them. Within a few months they have oral language and social language and the rest comes very quickly. I spend a lot of my own money on games, visuals and materials to help the students succeed. I never ask for anything and it would be nice to be spoiled for once. We love La Jolie and recommend you to everyone for special occasion dresses. I would be so happy to have this gift since I never win anything and I work so hard. I’m not sure which school I am in the fall yet but I look forward to supporting so many more multilingual students and their families. Thank you!

  • School: Early Learning Center
    Grades: Early Childhood Special Ed

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Being in early childhood is a bit different than other grade levels; there is a lot of activity, always with your students, and lots of family engagement. These students and their growth is so important but a little bit of self-care and frankly the knowledge of appreciation from the community means a lot and helps power through the tougher times.

  • School: Immaculate Conception
    Grade: 8th

    Reason why this teacher was nominated: Mrs. Pedote has such a joy for teaching. She is energetic, encouraging, knowledgeable, relatable and fun. She makes sure her eighth graders are prepared for high school while simultaneously making sure they have the best time in their last year at IC. She is such a beautiful person both inside and out.

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The voting period is now closed.
The winner will be announced soon
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(Stay tuned for day and time)



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