5 Tips For Your 8th Grade Graduation Look!

Written by Maya Shadid

Eighth grade graduation is a gratifying milestone. For such a significant event, you want to look and feel your best!

There’s no better way to do this than crafting a dazzling outfit: from shoes, to jewelry, to the perfect white dress. But, with so many options, it’s easy to get overwhelmed while planning your look. Not to worry! We’ll be sharing 5 tips to help with the search so that at your graduation, you feel classy, confident, and chic.

1. Make a statement

In a white-themed event, it can be easy to get lost in a sea of similarly colored dresses. But, there are so many other fashion elements that you can take advantage of to create a unique look! Go for fun textures and fabrics, like satin, tweed, and embroidered fabric. Feathers, bows, and lace trim are other stylish details that are sure to spice up your graduation dress. Your dream dress should make you feel special, so don’t be afraid to step out of the box!

2. Embrace your age

At this time in your life, you may be starting to experiment with fashion and different silhouettes. However, it’s important to remember that you’re around 13 or 14 years old. Graduation isn’t the event to try out super revealing or adult styles. Don’t wear a dress that you have to constantly pull up or down. Aim for a comfortable neckline and dress length. Avoid clingy clothing and look for fresh, flowy styles. Most importantly, think of your future self! You don’t want to wear something that you’ll look back at with embarrassment. There are so many other age-appropriate dresses that’ll look beautiful and classy on your special day.

3. Don’t shy away from accessories

Cute jewelry is the best way to elevate your graduation look! Gold tones pair lovely with summer whites. Pearls are another elegant, glamorous option. Dainty necklaces and bracelets add another dimension to an outfit without being too distracting. Finding a purse is also important. Look for small bags and clutches that won’t be too heavy or bothersome throughout the day. Incorporating texture into your purse is a great idea, especially if you end up with a more simple dress.

4. Go for neutral colors

When selecting shoes and accessories, don’t pick super bright or distracting hues. Nude heels or flats are ideal. Stay away from black and other dark shades that take away from the playfulness of your outfit. Your appearance should be cohesive, and sporadic pops of color can be jarring and take away from the summery, girl-next-door aesthetic of an ideal graduation look.

5. Aim for comfort

The quickest way to have your day ruined is discomfort, so pick an outfit that you feel confident and alluring in. Strapless dresses are a no. Overly tall or thin high heels? Another no. Heavy earrings that weigh down your face? You know where this is going. When you’re walking the stage, you don’t want to be fixated on your appearance and fidgeting with your clothes. Your outfit should feel like a second skin! Overall, your look should make you happy! Graduation is such an exciting moment; it signals the end of an era. So, go out with a bang! Be poised, confident, and positive. Before you know it, you’ll be at your high school graduation wondering where all the time went. Until then, hopefully these 5 tips will make finding your graduation look simple and fun.

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